- Students can now add video profile and recruiters can view that
- Students can now add portfolio and LinkedIn URLs to their profile
- Improved resumes list screen for students
- Recruiters can now see a dedicated screen of students’ profile
- Recruiters can now see their company stats
- Candidates can receive online interview requests from employers
- Candidates can record and submit answers to interview requests
- See a list of all career fairs being hosted by your university
- Join a career fair and see a list of all recruiters taking part in that career fair
- Upload your resume
- Share resume with a recruiter through a QR code and avoid paper
- Join a career fair for schools and universities
- Receive resumes from students at the career fair by scanning a QR code
- Give rating and comments on student resumes and decide if to call for further interviews
- Scan paper resumes manually and add those students to different Events with a digital form of their resume
- Download statistics on the students interviewed in the career fair and their information
- Be able to login to a backend website and view stats associated to each career fair
- View and download data associated to students and employers that took part in the career fair